Negen principes om aan te houden bij de digitalisering van speciale collecties in bibliotheken: Anne R. Kenney, The Collaborative Imperative: Special Collections in the Digital Age‘ in Research Library Issues, no. 267 (December 2009).

Enkele van die principes: 3. Libraries should seek the broadest possible user access to digitized content. This includes patrons of other libraries and unaffiliated researchers; 6. Restrictions on external access to copies of works digitized from a library’s holding should be of limited duration; en 9. Libraries should refrain from charging fees or royalties for access to or non-commercial use of public domain materials held in their collections.

Belangrijke uitgangspunten, omdat derden (zoals editie-instituten en bouwers van virtuele onderzoeksomgevingen…) op basis van gedigitaliseerde documenten belangrijke onderzoeksinstrumenten kunnen maken.

Het principe van Open Access geeft, in de woorden van de Berlin Declaration ‘a free, irrevocable, worldwide, right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship’, en dat principe zou ook moeten gelden voor gedigitaliseerde speciale collecties.

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