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De jaarlijkse conferentie van de European Society for Textual Scholarship wordt dit jaar gehouden op 25-27 november in Pisa en Florence. Voorstellen voor lezingen kunnen tot 31 mei worden ingestuurd.
In de Call for Papers wordt het thema ‘Texts Worth Editing’ als volgt omschreven:
‘All text editing begins with a choice: what text to edit. How do we choose the text we edit? Are all texts worth editing, simply because they are texts? Even once we have chosen what we are to edit, further choices lie ahead of us. If a text exists in many versions, and in many documents: are all versions, and all documents, equally worthy of editing? If we choose to focus on a particular version, or a particular document, how do we make this choice, and how do we justify it to others? Once we have made these decisions: choices of method will also be affected by perceptions of value. Should we publish the full text of a particular version or document; or publish its variants only, in an apparatus? and if we choose to publish variants only: what are our criteria to determine which variants are worth publishing?’
Voorstellen voor lezingen kunnen tot 31 mei 2010 worden gestuurd aan Peter Robinson. De volledige tekst van de Call for Papers vindt u hier.