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Van 22 tot 24 november 2012 vindt in Amsterdam de negende conferentie van de European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS) plaats, die wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met het Huygens ING. Het thema van de conferentie is: Editing fundamentals: Historical and literary paradigms in source editing.
De conferentie is een internationaal forum waar nieuwe ontwikkelingen bij het editeren en beschikbaarstellen van historische en literaire bronnen worden bediscussieerd. Academici uit verschillende onderzoeksdisciplines komen bijeen om te leren van elkaars benaderingen en te zoeken naar oplossingen voor gemeenschappelijke uitdagingen. Een belangrijke vraag daarbij is hoe traditionele manieren van werken verrijkt kunnen worden door de toepassing van innovatieve digitale technieken.
Keynotes zullen worden gehouden door Manfred Thaller (Keulen), Andrew Jewell (Lincoln, Nebraska) en Godfried Croenen (Liverpool). Er zullen papers worden gepresenteerd door ruim veertig wetenschappers uit vijftien landen.
De conferentie is voor iedereen toegankelijk. Informatie over het volledige programma en de praktische gegevens van de conferentie zijn te vinden op
On November 22-24, 2012 the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands organizes the 9th conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship.
This conference, which will take place in Amsterdam, will be an international academic forum for communication between different approaches to historical and literary source editing. It aims at bringing together academics working in disciplines that have so far worked within independently operating scholarly traditions, promoting innovative, multidisciplinary exchange and dialogue. The Call for Papers is now available.
The 9th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 2012
Editing Fundamentals: Historical and Literary Paradigms in Source Editing
Amsterdam, November 22-24, 2012
Keynote speakers:
Manfred Thaller (University of Cologne)
Godfried Croenen (University of Liverpool)
Andrew Jewell (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Participation and registration
Participants who contribute to the conference through a paper, a panel or a poster session need to pay the conference fee and be a member in good standing of the European Society for Textual Scholarship for 2012 except for specially invited speakers. For information and registration about the ESTS click here.
The 9th conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship will be an international academic forum for communication between different approaches to historical and literary source editing. Edited source texts, documents and databases are essential to literary, political, historical scholarship, as well as to social studies, art history, music, philosophy or theology. The conference aims at bringing together academics working in disciplines that have so far worked within independently operating scholarly traditions, promoting innovative, multidisciplinary exchange and dialogue. The conference will examine the transformation of traditional editorial practice into a digital environment and the creation of innovative opportunities like the use of digital tools and media.
Scholars of any discipline related to editing texts and data nowadays have at their disposal almost limitless possibilities to present texts and data to the public. Traditionally reflection and practice show seemingly different approaches to textual scholarship and documentary editing of historical sources. The aim of this conference is to debate these topics and to strive for a common approach towards the challenges of publishing. Key concepts are heuristic, selection, representativeness and presentation to the user.
The conference is organized by the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS) and the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (Huygens ING), a Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences institute.
ESTS conferences are characterized by traditional paper presentations in panel sessions with three speakers each, followed by lively exchange, dialogue and interaction between speakers and audience in many small groups as well as formal plenary sessions. There is also an opportunity for poster presentations of current projects.